Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Canyon Yoga

It doesn't feel like winter at all.

Yesterday we spent the morning at the reservoir canyon, scrambling around boulders, hiking along the ridge, peering over cliffs. Most of the lake is frozen. A handful of ice fishers were out sitting on their buckets. It was very sunny and warm and only small patches of slushy snow remain. A noisy flock of birds flew above us like synchronized swimmers in the sky. I can't be certain, but I think they were trying to tell us...

Winter isn't over yet...





  1. I so thoroughly enjoy the contrasts of both our environments...but I have to hand it to you...your canyon IS prettier than mine!!!
    Thank you for these images, I think I'm going to go get lost in them today!

  2. Oh my gosh, Lynn,,, how beautiful. I would love to explore that canyon, those cliffs with ya. Oh an maybe yoga too. :)

    Happiest of weeks dear!

  3. These pictures made me feel very peaceful and serene :)

  4. can imagine the sounds of the birds in your serene canyon..xx


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