Saturday, August 27, 2016

Curious Horses

"Animals hold us to what is present; to who we are at the time, not who we've been or how our bank accounts describe us.

What's obvious to an animal is not the embellishment that fattens our emotional resumes but what's bedrock and current in us: aggression, fear, insecurity, happiness, or equanimity.

Because they have the ability to read our involuntary ticks and scents, we're transparent to them and thus exposed-

We're finally ourselves."

-Gretel Ehrlich, The Solace of Open Spaces




  1. Wonderful pictures LP...the next best thing to actually being there! Thank you :)

    1. Thank you Linda Loo!
      You know, they're pretty special. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Power and beauty - I can hear the thunder of their hooves in these images.

  4. May I say the wild horses have exposed a beautiful YOU.

    1. Oh Sagey.. It takes mustangs to bring out the best in me, I guess!
      Thank you for that. x

  5. I love the quote. That is so true. I think that's why I prefer animals over people for the most part. No putting on airs. Just acceptance. Love this:-)

    Thank you again for sharing your special relationship with these wild ones. Love looking into those deep soft eyes:-) Just knowing they are out there wild and free brings me sense of joy.

    1. I like animals better, too. And you!
      I wish you could look into their eyes in person...and them looking into yours.
      Soft and deep and gentle and wild as anything. :)

  6. i cannot look at horses any more without thinking of you. and your wild horses. and their freedom. and their curiosity.


    1. Wow. That brings me joy to read those words, Bernard.
      I love that.

  7. "we're transparent to them and thus exposed-

    We're finally ourselves"

    Sometimes you hear something and it just makes sense, as if of course you've known it all along, and maybe have even tried to express it, but then it all clarifies in a sentence.

    I love that you are out there with the horses and that you share your experience with us. I too can't think about horses now without thinking about you. :)

  8. I know what you mean.
    Gretel E., her writing, has always resonated with me.
    I waited for the right words, the perfect quote to add to my post of images.
    One morning it came just. like. that.
    Thanks, Clare. For everything.

  9. Such wonderful photos!
    Thank you so much for sharing at

  10. "Animals hold us to what is present; to who we are at the time, not who we've been or how our bank accounts describe us." this. this line gets me. so true. to think that animals more genuine than us, a human being - it makes me think. thanks for sharing this Lynn. Also, how you've been doing?


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